Posts in e-Notes
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time (July 16,2023)

Take heart! The words of the prophet Isaiah assure us that the Gospel of Life that we preach will not be fruitless. How can we be certain? Because we hear in today’s readings that God’s message will “succeed in the thing for which [He] sent it”. St. Paul also assures us that the message that we proclaim is certainly one that all of creation has been waiting for, a message of redemption that is much needed.

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14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (July 9, 2023)

Jesus acknowledges that some of the most profound truths are hidden from the cunning and self-assured and made known to the littlest of children. We see this today, for example, in the inquisitive and playful way a child rests on his mother’s womb to feel the baby kick within. That child knows the value of human life even within the womb, while some of the worlds best and brightest do not.

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