Just for Life Information Events
Just for Life (JFL) informational table
Materials provided by Priests For Life Canada (PFLC) along with a beautiful FREE raffle item similar to the one pictured here at a JFL event held at Sacred Heart Parish - LaSalle, Ontario.
host a “just for life” weekend in your parish
It’s fun, it’s informative, it’s Pro-life,
And It’s FREE!!!
It’s the easiest way to get the pro-life message to your fellow parishioners and support the pro-life efforts of Priests For Life Canada (PFLC) in spreading the “Sanctity of Life” message throughout Canada. We provide the material, you do the basic promotion.
A parish “Just for Life” weekend has five main purposes:
To promote the pro-life message in your parish.
To attract new people to the pro-life movement.
To encourage your pastor to speak on pro-life issues.
To have fun spreading the pro-life message.
To encourage parishioners/attendees to receive FREE complimentary newsletters from PFLC for one year.
How it’s done
Ask your pastor if he will allow a “Just for Life” information table where parishioners can get free pro-life information after Masses. PFLC will provide all material. Other pro-life information can be added at the discretion of the coordinators.
Ask your pastor if he would want to preach a pro-life homily during the “Just for Life” weekend. This is NOT absolutely necessary.
Contact PFLC to arrange to have free materials sent. Indicate the number of bulletins that are normally distributed in your parish.
Arrange an OPTIONAL “coffee” gathering to take place after each Mass.
Set up the display table at your church in high traffic area.
Place “Free Raffle” slips and the “Free Raffle” sign next to the draw prize at your display table and encourage parishioners to enter the draw. (Optional: Also place "Free Raffle” slips in each pew prior to Mass. Have ushers collect completed slips after Communion or Mass.) PFLC will provide an appropriate free raffle prize and draw slips.
Draw a winner of the free raffle after the last Mass. (If winner permits, send us a photo and we will post it in one of our newsletters.)
Return the completed response cards to Priests For Life Canada.
Announce the free raffle winner in the next parish bulletin.