Jesus stresses the importance of having humility. To be humble is to live in reality, to accept weaknesses, and use our strengths for the glory of God, not for our own merit. Humility is essential to living a holy life.
Read MoreMany theologians have noted that Christ is a kind of new Moses, who leads His disciples on a liberating journey, not from the political oppression of Pharaoh, but from the prison of our own ego. Christ came not to advance His own agenda, but the Father’s. He comes not to save Himself, but others. In today’s Gospel, Jesus patiently teaches His disciples that His Kingdom is characterized by the greatness of service.
Read MoreIn the Gospel today, Our Lord gives us yet another reason why we must defend the fundamental right to life of the unborn when He said: “Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but the One who sent me.”
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