In Jesus’ discourse to love our enemies, He implies that we are often quick to judge rather than to love. It is easy to see the people we dislike or oppose us as being unworthy of love, but we must remember that every human person has the same dignity and is worthy of the love of God simply because they are human; made in the image and likeness of God.
Read MoreIn the Second Reading, St. Paul speaks to the communal dimension of Christianity, saying that we are all parts of Christ’s body, the Church, because through our relationship with Christ in baptism, we exist in relation to all other Christians, who are also members of his one body.
Read MoreThe Gospel today says that Mary and Joseph “went to Jerusalem for the feast of Passover… according to festival custom”.
Our Lady and St. Joseph always did everything the Law of the Lord required, and these things included not only going up to Jerusalem each year, but also the rite of circumcision of the child Jesus as well as the rites of “purification” of the mother and the “presentation” of the first-born son.
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