The prophet Jeremiah and Jesus remind us that the Christian mission on earth is not to accumulate wealth, live comfortably, seek pleasure, or have fame. Rather, it is to spread the good news of Jesus Christ by living virtuous lives worthy of the gospel, which will, in turn, make us truly happy (see Phil 1:27). All the things of the world are temporary, but hope in Jesus Christ and the promise of eternal life is true and everlasting happiness.
Read MoreJesus confides to His followers: “Now my soul is troubled.” And He tells them what human weakness may suggest: “And what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour!” But our Lord shows them what the strength of His obedience is: “No, this is why I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name!”
Read MoreJob’s witness reminds us that every person experiences suffering. In our suffering we may feel that there is no end, no solution, to our pain. As Catholics, however, we know that every part of our lives, even suffering, has meaning. St. Paul affirms this when he says that he became weak “to win the weak.” Weakness is not good in itself, but we can choose to be so, in order to better spread the Gospel of Chris
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