1st Sunday of Advent (November 27, 2022)
Is 2.1-5; Rom 13.11-14; Mt 24.37-44
Jesus urges us to be vigilant. We must not allow ourselves to forget that He will return soon. We can be tempted to live life according to our own selfish desires, but St. Paul warns us to resist such a temptation. Drunkenness, promiscuity, and lust are all distractions from our true happiness.
We must not only be supporters of the culture of life, but we must also be witnesses of that culture to all people, making ourselves an example of the beauty of holiness.
If we truly wish to be pro-life Catholics, we need to live and teach our children the great virtue of purity. By casting off “works of darkness” such as pornography, masturbation, and contraception, which increase promiscuity and selfishness, we can, with the help of grace, be beacons of hope and witnesses of authentic freedom to our friends who are in bondage to sin and death.
Pro-Life Intercession
That Christians may prepare for the Lord’s coming by fostering a consistent respect for human life, born and unborn, we pray to the Lord…