1st Sunday in Lent (March 9, 2025)
Dt 26.4-10; Rm 10.8-13; Lk 4.1-13
It is very consoling to see Jesus himself tempted. He prepared His public life with a fast of 40 days, similar to what we are doing during this Lenten season. If Jesus himself was tempted, and Jesus is perfect God and man, then it stands to reason that to be tempted is not necessarily bad; it is not a sin.
Nevertheless, we should not rashly or deliberately expose ourselves to temptation. And when it comes without our looking for it, we should not lose our composure, but just reject it, either by getting out of the occasion that is provoking it or by decisively asserting the opposite.
For example, if we are tempted to impurities, we should remove such thoughts by focusing on the fact that we are temples of the Holy Spirit and should therefore keep our hearts pure and clean.
As Pro-Life people, we need to be credible witnesses, especially in the areas of sexuality and family, if we are to further the Gospel of Life.
Pro-Life Intercession
For the strength to resist the temptation to discriminate against the poor, the immigrant, the elderly, and the preborn, we pray to the Lord…