5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (February 9, 2025)
Is 6.1-2, 3-8; 1 Cor 15.1-11; Lk 5.1-11
St. Luke tells us in the Gospel that after speaking to the crowds, Jesus tells St. Peter to man the oars and put out into the deep water. Even though they were tired, having fished and caught nothing all night, even though fishing by day isn’t considered the best time, and even though it is not a man of the sea who gives the orders, St. Peter has faith and decides to act on Christ’s suggestion. Simon simply obeys and trusts.
In our battle against the Culture of Death, faith and obedience are indispensable. All our pro-life efforts, human resources, vigils, and mortifications are useless if separated from any supernatural sense.
St. Peter completed the task Our Lord had committed to him. They caught a great number of fish and their nets were tearing.
If we are guided by faith, acknowledge our own uselessness, and put our trust in Our Lord, our Pro-Life apostolate will be effective, because for us, the fruitfulness of our apostolate depends on our living union with Christ.
Pro-Life Intercession
That by seeing God’s presence more clearly in every human life, we may repent of the ways that we have failed to honour, protect, and welcome that life, we pray to the Lord …