Priests For Life Canada

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2nd Sunday of Advent (December 8, 2024)

Bar 5.1-9; Phil 1.3-6, 8-11; Lk 3.1-6

  • We are all familiar with the “cursor” on our computer – it points to what we have to fix our attention on. John the Baptist is called the precursor of Jesus, as he was the one who prepared the people to receive Our Lord and he was the one who “pointed him out” to the first disciples.

  • In this sense, we are all like John the Baptist for the people around us. Through the consistency of our lives and also through the right words of advice, we must prepare people to receive our Blessed Lord.

  • During this season of preparation for the coming of Christ, let us be more conscious of our apostolic responsibility. One practical resolution we can make is to bring our friends to Christ by encouraging them to go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Pro-Life Intercession

That we may prepare for the new heaven and new earth by fostering respect and protection for all human life, including the unborn, we pray to the Lord ...