Tensions and Action

Did you see in your newsfeed, or even if you are still one of those people who still read newspapers, something which caught just about everybody’s attention? A Canadian man, Kenneth Law, has made a business of selling a suicide compound by mail to hundreds of people worldwide. It’s a legal substance, but not one that many would know was lethal if taken in the “right way” and in the right amounts. Tragically many young people (as well as older) have died because of this man.

Mr. Law’s mailings took place from our country. He has been charged with aiding and abetting suicide. You may be surprised at this since thousands of people are being killed by assisted suicide in our country each year, but this law is still in the books. Obviously, this exception to the law is big enough to drive a Mack truck through it.

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Priests For Life Canada
Getting a Jump on Fall

In the warm days of summer, it seems an awful shame to have our thoughts directed towards the Fall, but as we all know, you have to plan for Fall activities. Here are nine ideas I would like to suggest for your Pro-Life and Evangelization and Outreach planning:

1) Not everyone has Catholic schools, but if you do have, how are you looking to either incorporate or coordinate pro-life education according to your curriculum? This is a good time to take an in depth look at family life curriculum to see how pro-life principles and education are being incorporated.

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Priests For Life Canada
Your Summer To Do List

Looking back in history, I am struck by the intensity of debates of issues that seem meaningless or very difficult to understand today. As well, being in the Easter Season and hearing the readings from the Acts of the Apostles, we can only dimly understand the questions that roiled the apostles in the early Christian churches. It has struck me that the same is true in our time. In my many decades in the pro-life movement, I’ve been involved in intense debates about all aspects of the abortion and euthanasia issues and the legislation and methods to overcome, defeat, or restrict them. As intense as these debates were at the time, many of them have faded now into history. This has caused me to reflect on one of the major roles of Priests for Life Canada.

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