Looking South For Inspiration

We have just gone through one of the strangest elections in our national history. Called because of a naked grab for more power and with unchecked hubris by Justin Trudeau, the federal election was a costly exercise in stasis. A few shifts here and there of parliamentary seats and the increasing fragmentation of the federal political scene only saw our current government drop even further in the actual supporting vote count – again having less votes than the second place Conservatives- and yet claiming a mandate for sweeping change.

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Priests For Life Canada
Here We Go Again

By the time you get this, it is highly likely that we will be in the midst of another federal election. This should not be a surprise as we have endured a minority Parliament for two years and such is the usual lifespan of minorities. Obviously what sets this apart is that Covid 19 will necessitate some substantial changes in voting but it has not proven to be a huge obstacle in the many provincial elections we have had during the pandemic. Strategically speaking, the changes in voting will not be significant.

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It’s When Laws are Passed That Problems Start

It is a strange function of Canadian politics that when bills are passed into law that public discussion seems to stop. This is the case with the recent amendments to the mercy killing and euthanasia bill that was recently passed by the federal government. Unfortunately, in typical fashion, major changes were discussed in a rapid manner with a foregone conclusion. I would like to lay out several points that must be kept to the forefront in the coming months and years.

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