A Glorious Silver Anniversary
It was shortly before March 25, 1995, that I received an advance copy of Pope John Paul II’s Evangelium Vitae – The Gospel of Life. As I read through it, I can only describe the feeling of my heart lifting as I went through this densely argued clarion call to action. Here was a pope who was entirely attuned to the needs of our times. In response to calls from across the world, he was ready, like his great predecessor, Leo the 13th, to starkly and definitively call the world to action.
This Easter, we are celebrating that 25th Anniversary of this Gospel of Life. Sometimes documents can be forgotten in the dustbins of history. Don’t let this one be forgotten.
A good way to celebrate this Easter is to remember the Passion must come before the Resurrection. As with all his great documents, Pope Saint John Paul the Great would speak of all the lights and shadows of our current times. We are well aware of the shadows. Let’s not forget the great Light which came forth from the tomb on that First Easter Sunday. Here at Priests For Life Canada, our game plan has been laid out in the Gospel of Life to continue to equip priests, deacons and Bishops of our country and all of you, our lay supporters, to work together to achieve that final victory to build a new and lasting Culture of Life.