Take-Aways from the 2019 Federal Election
This wasn’t an “election about nothing” as many commentators repeatedly said. Instead, it marked the first time that people of faith were seriously being attacked for their values, beliefs and principles. Whether it was the weasely, deafening silence on Quebec’s Bill 21 religious symbols law or the open attack on Andrew Scheer’s Catholic beliefs, open season has been declared on religious beliefs in Canada.
Being a Catholic seems to mean that “I can claim membership in the Church and its institutions such as the Knights of Columbus,” but be completely, publicly at odds with the Church’s moral teachings. This was seen not only by the federal party leaders, four of whom are Catholics, but also by the spokesperson chosen by the Liberal Party to speak for them at the Catholic Issues debate in Toronto. This stance has to be called out for the sin of scandal that it is.
The large crowds for the Toronto Archdiocese Catholic Issues Debate, both in person and also online, shows that the Catholic Church does have a role in the public square and should be an example for other dioceses as to how to actively participate during future elections.
The issues brought before Catholics in the election guide were too many and equally weighted, which meant that decisions could not be properly made as to the issues and the parties putting them forward in terms of actual votes.
The next election is coming soon. Let’s be prepared to allow groups such as RightNow to help educate and activate our people in a non-partisan but effective way to participate as believers in the public square. We can make a crucial difference!